You are loo­king for a trans­la­tor who trans­fers your text com­pe­tent­ly into ano­ther lan­guage? I have spe­cia­li­zed mys­elf in trans­la­ti­ons for the Ger­man — Japa­ne­se lan­guage pair.

Translation Price
MS Office


Trans­la­ti­ons are per­for­med by eit­her using a soft­ware cal­led Ome­gaT or, for docu­ments with a low word­count, stan­dard text pro­grams such as Micro­soft Office or OpenOffice.

When using text pro­grams for trans­la­ti­on tasks the text is edi­ted within the ori­gi­nal file, its con­tents are trans­la­ted into the tar­get lan­guage and then saved as a new file.

If the ori­gi­nal text is pre­sen­ted pre-for­­ma­t­­ted, for exam­p­le in tabu­lar form, the trans­la­ti­on is ente­red in cor­re­spon­ding fields as shown in the adja­cent figure.


My trans­la­ti­ons enable you to trade suc­cessful­ly, attract new cus­to­mers and let you rea­li­ze your full mar­ke­ting poten­ti­al. The focus of my trans­la­ti­ons are the are­as of cor­re­spon­dence, bro­chu­res, adver­ti­sing texts, web­sites, cata­logs, tech­ni­cal texts, manu­als and pre­sen­ta­ti­on documents.


As a japa­ne­se nati­ve spea­k­er who grew up in Japan and has lived the­re for 38 years I can take into account the subt­le­ties and idio­syn­cra­sies of the trans­la­ti­on of japa­ne­se wri­ting, lan­guage and cul­tu­re very well. All trans­la­ti­ons are done by mys­elf as an expe­ri­en­ced, pro­fes­sio­nal translator.


In my trans­la­ti­ons I attach gre­at importance to the fact that the trans­la­ti­on has a high lin­gu­i­stic qua­li­ty. A trans­la­ti­on should read as if it is no trans­la­ti­on at all. This is achie­ved through a mul­­ti-step opti­miza­ti­on pro­cess for the tar­get text to get the best trans­la­ti­on results.


For trans­la­ti­ons of lar­ge texts in which terms con­sis­ten­cy  is important and for new text ver­si­ons the Com­pu­ter Aided Trans­la­ti­on soft­ware Ome­gaT is used.

Trans­la­ti­ons for iden­ti­cal sen­ten­ces are adopted by Ome­gaT while sen­ten­ces which have chan­ged in new docu­ment ver­si­ons are displayed.

Ome­gaT divi­des text into seg­ments and dis­plays them to the trans­la­tor for editing. Trans­la­ted seg­ments are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly stored in a trans­la­ti­on memo­ry file.

For the con­sis­ten­cy of trans­la­ti­ons a ter­mi­no­lo­gy manage­ment is extre­me­ly important. Ome­gaT uses the abo­ve trans­la­ti­on memo­ry file as well as dic­tion­a­ry and glos­sa­ry files.


The file for­mats on the right side can be pro­ces­sed or con­ver­ted into a sui­ta­ble for­mat we can work on. Plea­se cont­act us if you are using any other for­mat for your text:

Stan­dard text file with exten­si­on txt in uni­code cha­rac­ter set format.
Micro­soft file up to Office 2003 with exten­si­on doc, xls or ppt (Word, Excel or PowerPoint).
Ado­be Por­ta­ble Docu­ment For­mat (PDF) file with exten­si­on pdf.
Open­Of­fice / Libre­Of­fice file ending with odt, ods or odp (Wri­ter, Calc or Impress).
Micro­soft Office 2007 file with exten­si­on docx, xlsx or pptx (Word, Excel or PowerPoint).
Plea­se cont­act us if your text is stored in files using other file formats.


To cal­cu­la­te the cost of trans­la­ti­ons the word count of the text is used. The num­ber of words within a text is deter­mi­ned with the soft­ware Ome­gaT and then mul­ti­pli­ed by the word pri­ce of 0.08 Euro for trans­la­ti­ons which as a result pro­vi­des the pri­ce for the trans­la­ti­on of the text.

Ome­gaT reco­gni­zes repe­ti­ti­ons of iden­ti­cal seg­ments such as sen­ten­ces, hea­dings or lists. The­se repe­ti­ti­ons are offe­red for trans­la­ti­ons at a pri­ce of 0.02 Euro per word. Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on can be found at the Order menu.


A cer­ti­fied trans­la­ti­on docu­ment can only be made by a sworn translator.

I am not publicly appoin­ted and not sworn by a govern­ment dis­trict court. The­r­e­fo­re I can not pro­du­ce cer­ti­fied trans­la­ti­ons of docu­ments for aut­ho­ri­ties or courts.

Furu­­no-Schie­­le Trans­la­ti­ons © 2024  |  |  Imprint  |  Data pro­tec­tion