The work for trans­la­ti­on, pro­ofre­a­ding, and editing orders is cal­cu­la­ted as pri­ce per word. For spe­cial ser­vice orders I kind­ly ask you to send a request via email.

Order Type





Default Char­ge

0,08 Euro / Word

0,03 Euro / Word

0,08 Euro / Word

25 Euro / Hour

Default Charge

To cal­cu­la­te the cos­ts of trans­la­ti­ons, pro­ofre­a­ding and pro­ofre­a­ding, the word count of the order text is used. The word count is cal­cu­la­ted using Ome­gaT and mul­ti­pli­ed by the cor­re­spon­ding word price.

All pri­ces are net in Euro for which due to the Ger­man legis­la­ti­on small sett­le­ment of the USTG sec­tion 19 no value added tax is levied. So I am able to crea­te very low cost offers.

The cal­cu­la­ti­on of the char­ge of ser­vice orders are based accor­ding to expen­dit­u­re. The work done by me to pro­vi­de this ser­vice for your order will be invoiced.

OmegaT Base Charge

If no com­pa­ra­ble trans­la­ti­on has been com­mis­sio­ned in the past, a so-cal­­led base pri­ce will be charged.

Repe­ti­ti­ons and no-hit sta­tis­tics values ​​are cal­cu­la­ted with Ome­gaT and mul­ti­pli­ed by the respec­ti­ve base pri­ce to cal­cu­la­te the total price.

Word Count



Base Char­ge

0,02 Euro / Word

0,08 Euro / Word

Wort Count


95% – 100% Match

85% – 94% Match

75% – 84% Match

50% – 74% Match


Flex Char­ge

0,02 Euro / Word

0,04 Euro / Word

0,05 Euro / Word

0,06 Euro / Word

0,07 Euro / Word

0,08 Euro / Word

OmegaT Flex Charge

If a cus­to­mer issues a new trans­la­ti­on order for which a com­pa­ra­ble trans­la­ti­on work has alre­a­dy been done in the past, a so-cal­­led Flex Char­ge will be char­ged for this new order. During the trans­la­ti­on work using the Ome­gaT soft­ware the trans­la­ti­on data from pre­vious orders are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly taken into account and sub­mit­ted to the trans­la­tor for making use of it in the cur­rent order.

As a pre­re­qui­si­te the text to be trans­la­ted must be stored in a file for­mat sui­ta­ble for Ome­gaT. For Flex Char­ge cal­cu­la­ti­ons exten­ded sta­tis­tics values like 95% — 100% Match, 85% — 94% Match and so on will be cal­cu­la­ted in addi­ti­on to the Base Char­ge sta­tis­tic value Repe­ti­ti­on.

Sub­se­quent­ly the word count num­bers for the respec­ti­ve Flex Char­ge  sta­tis­tic values will be mul­ti­pli­ed by the cor­re­spon­ding Flex Char­ge pri­ce per word infor­ma­ti­on shown within the Flex Char­ge table on the left. All 7 pri­ce per word sub­to­tals then give the total Flex Char­ge price.


Upon your request I will send you a quo­te for your inquiry. It con­ta­ins the num­ber of words to be trans­la­ted as well as char­ge and deli­very date. This deli­very date can be gua­ran­teed if the job order will be pla­ced by you within the peri­od of time spe­ci­fied in the quote.

Minimum Charge

For earch order a mini­mum of 10 Euro will be char­ged. Thus trans­la­ti­ons and pro­ofre­a­ding jobs up to 125 words and pro­ofre­a­ding work up to 333 words will be char­ged by a flat rate of 10 Euro. To deter­mi­ne the num­ber of words the Ome­gaT coun­ting func­tion is used.


All offer and char­ge infor­ma­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge. For all invoices the pay­ment peri­od is 30 days start­ing from the invoice date included in the invoice. Pay­ment can be made by eit­her bank account trans­fer or by using the Pay­pal e‑payment system.

Text Sample

If pos­si­ble plea­se send the text we should work on, or at least a text extra­ct of it tog­e­ther with the exact word count, along with your request. This allows us to cal­cu­la­te a relia­ble quo­te for you.

If the text is not available in elec­tro­nic form you can also send it by tra­di­tio­nal mail to the cont­act address lis­ted on the right.


Plea­se send tra­di­tio­nal mail ship­ments to the fol­lo­wing address:

Furu­­no-Schie­­le Übersetzungen
Mar­­le­­ne-Die­t­rich-Stras­­se 11
80636 Mün­chen

Furu­­no-Schie­­le Trans­la­ti­ons © 2024  |  |  Imprint  |  Data pro­tec­tion