Translation of a loading crane service manual
Translation of a loading crane service manual
Translation of a loading crane service manual
Translation of an X-ray CT system documentation
Translation of restaurant menus and text brochures
Translation of a tourism website and tour texts
Translation of Microsoft Office training texts
Translation of measuring system manuals
Translation of railway crane documents
Translation of high-end turntable manuals
Translation of vertical conveyor system manuals
Translation of screening machine manuals
Translation of an artist house museum brochure
Translation of shredder machine texts
Translation of mountain railway travel texts
Translation of regional train operator text
Translation of sound system specifications
Translations of guidebook texts and city tours

Order 2020 CT sys­tem

Order 2023 Trans­la­ti­on of the menue for a tra­di­tio­nal restaurant


Order 2020 CT sys­tem

Order 2022 Trans­la­ti­on of online con­tent for a real estate website


Order 2020 CT sys­tem

Order 2021 Trans­la­ti­on of a ser­vice manu­al docu­men­ta­ti­on for an arti­cu­la­ted boom loa­ding crane


Order 2020 CT sys­tem

Order 2020 Trans­la­ti­on of the docu­men­ta­ti­on for an X‑ray com­pu­ted tomo­gra­phy sys­tem for auto­ma­ted ana­ly­sis and mea­su­re­ment of components


Order 2019 Menu cards

Order 2019 Trans­la­ti­ons of texts for restau­rant menu spe­cial offers, menu cards and pro­mo­tio­nal brochures


Order 2018 Tou­rism website

Order 2018 Trans­la­ti­on of texts for a tou­rism web­site with online boo­king sys­tem as well as con­cert pro­gram infor­ma­ti­on and tour descriptions


Order 2017 MS Office

Order 2017 Trans­la­ti­on and edi­to­ri­al of trai­ning texts for Micro­soft Office Pro­fes­sio­nal pro­grams Word, Excel, Power­point, Out­look, Sky­pe and OneNote


Order 2016 Mea­su­ring tools

Order 2016 Trans­la­ti­on of manu­als and sales lite­ra­tu­re for pre­cis­i­on sca­les and medi­cal mea­su­ring systems


Order 2015 Rail­way crane

Order 2015 Trans­la­ti­on of the ope­ra­tio­nal manu­al, spa­re part descrip­ti­ons and access­ories docu­men­ta­ti­on for a hea­vy-duty rail­way crane


Order 2014 Turn­ta­ble device

Order 2014 Trans­la­ti­on of the manu­al for a high-end turn­ta­ble as well as inter­view texts with a disc jockey and the company’s CEO


Order 2013 Con­vey­or device

Order 2013 Trans­la­ti­on of the tech­ni­cal docu­men­ta­ti­on for the instal­la­ti­on and ope­ra­ti­on of an indus­tri­al ver­ti­cal con­vey­or system


Order 2012 Screen sys­tem

Order 2012 Trans­la­ti­on of manu­als, main­ten­an­ce docu­ments and sales docu­ments for a recy­cling mate­ri­al uni­ver­sal scree­ning machine


Order 2011 Artist house

Order 2011 Trans­la­ti­on of a muse­um bro­chu­re con­tai­ning texts about the histo­ry of an artist house and short bio­gra­phies of its residents


Order 2010 Shred­der device

Order 2010 Trans­la­ti­on of manu­als, main­ten­an­ce docu­ments and sales docu­ments for a shred­der machi­ne crus­hing recy­cling materials


Order 2009 Rail­way tour

Order 2009 Trans­la­ti­on of cus­to­mer bro­chu­re texts for tra­vel infor­ma­ti­ons about a pan­o­r­amic moun­tain rail­way tour


Order 2008 Train ope­ra­tor

Order 2008 Trans­la­ti­on of press release texts and cor­po­ra­te com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on docu­ments for a regio­nal train operator


Order 2007 Sound sys­tem

Order 2007 Trans­la­ti­on of tech­ni­cal device spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and mar­ke­ting texts for a home cine­ma sound system


Order 2006 Tra­vel portal

Order 2006 Trans­la­ti­on of gui­de­book texts and city tour infor­ma­ti­ons regar­ding Euro­pean regi­ons and sight­see­ing spots for an online tra­vel platform

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