Text con­trols the appearance of high-qua­­li­­ty pro­ducts and cam­paigns. Pro­ofre­a­ding for me not only means to cor­rect text for errors but also for­mal­ly check it carefuly.


Chan­ges done in the con­text of a pro­ofre­a­ding order are iden­ti­fied as such within the cor­rec­ted documents.

For Micro­soft Office and Open­Of­fice docu­ments this is done by the so-cal­­led track­ing mode. Pro­ofre­a­ding chan­ges will be high­ligh­ted in color and in com­ment form, which chan­ges were made as a correction.

Pro­ofre­a­ding chan­ges cor­rect spel­ling, punc­tua­ti­on and grammar. It might not be con­fu­sed with edi­to­ri­al work which includes all the tasks of the pro­ofre­a­ding. Howe­ver, edi­to­ri­al work always invol­ves a sty­li­stic impro­ve­ment in terms of con­tent and is thus more labor-inten­­si­­ve com­pared to a mere cor­rec­tion work.

I am thoughtful­ly che­cking your text trans­la­ti­on for grammar, spel­ling, punc­tua­ti­on and hyphena­ti­on. Pro­ofre­a­ding of text com­pri­ses, in con­trast to the edi­to­ri­al, only the pro­ces­sing of ortho­gra­phic, gram­ma­ti­cal and syn­tac­tic (punc­tua­ti­on and sen­tence con­s­truc­tion) errors wit­hout chan­ges in content.

In the ana­ly­sis of texts if so desi­red by you I strict­ly stick to your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. No mat­ter whe­ther you have spe­ci­fic cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty gui­de­lines or design requi­re­ments for sci­en­ti­fic texts. In addi­ti­on I will give you infor­ma­ti­on about pro­blems and abnor­ma­li­ties that occur repea­ted­ly in your text.

For pro­ofre­a­ding jobs I work with stan­dard office pro­grams with the cor­rec­tions being made direct­ly within the ori­gi­nal text file. The cor­rec­tions will be made visi­ble and traceable to the cus­to­mer, if tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble, in buil­tin fol­­low-up mode and pro­vi­ded with a com­men­ta­ry for explanation.


Cor­rec­tions in PDF docu­ments are done using the soft­ware Mas­ter PDF Edi­tor. A simi­lar track­ing mode com­pared to Micro­soft Office or Open­Of­fice docu­ments is achie­ved by anno­ta­ting changes.

Howe­ver, this is only pos­si­ble for PDF text seg­ments. For embedded objects such as images, such editing is not possible.

The capa­bi­li­ties of the PDF Edi­tor soft­ware are not iden­ti­cal to tho­se of stan­dard office pro­grams such as Micro­soft Office or OpenOffice.

Thus, the editing of PDF docu­ments such as the adjus­t­ments of para­graph design or chan­ges to the docu­ment lay­out is limi­t­ed. The­r­e­fo­re, the cor­rec­tion done by using stan­dard word pro­ces­sors is gene­ral­ly pre­fera­ble to tho­se of PDF docu­ments using PDF Editor.


The file for­mats on the right side can be pro­ces­sed by us for orders or con­ver­ted by us into a sui­ta­ble for­mat we can work on. Plea­se cont­act us if you are using any other for­mat for your text:
Stan­dard text file with exten­si­on txt in uni­code cha­rac­ter set format.
Micro­soft file up to Office 2003 with exten­si­on doc, xls or ppt (Word, Excel or PowerPoint).
Ado­be Por­ta­ble Docu­ment For­mat (PDF) file with exten­si­on pdf.
Open­Of­fice file ending with odt, ods or odp (Wri­ter, Calc or Impress).
Micro­soft Office 2007 file with exten­si­on docx, xlsx or pptx (Word, Excel or PowerPoint).
Plea­se cont­act us if your text is stored in files using other file formats.


To cal­cu­la­te the cost of pro­ofre­a­ding the word count of the text is used. This amount of words is deter­mi­ned using the soft­ware Ome­gaT and then mul­ti­pli­ed by the word pri­ce 0.03 Euro for pro­ofre­a­ding which gives as a result the pri­ce for the pro­ofre­a­ding of the text.

If a word count deter­mi­na­ti­on by Ome­gaT is not pos­si­ble, the word count is cal­cu­la­ted by other soft­ware pro­grams or deter­mi­ned as an estimate.

Furu­­no-Schie­­le Trans­la­ti­ons © 2024  |  info@Furuno-Schiele.de  |  Imprint  |  Data pro­tec­tion