In an edi­to­ri­al I lead you through con­fu­si­on and puz­zle­ment of lin­gu­i­stic expres­si­ons and sup­port you in the suc­cess of your text by crea­ting pro­fes­sio­nal documents.


In order for a trans­la­ti­on to repro­du­ce in the tar­get lan­guage exact­ly the mea­ning of a given source text, in addi­ti­on to pro­ofre­a­ding an edi­to­ri­al is often useful and neces­sa­ry. This includes a cor­rec­tion of the trans­la­ti­ons with respect to a meaningful and cor­rect repro­duc­tion of the ori­gi­nal text and a check of the com­ple­ten­ess and cor­rect­ness of the translation.

Chan­ges that are car­ri­ed out as part of an edi­to­ri­al are done within the text docu­ments and are mark­ed as such. For Micro­soft Office and Open­Of­fice docu­ments this is done by the so-cal­­led track­ing mode. Using this track­ing mode edi­to­ri­al chan­ges made by the trans­la­tor are color-coded and com­men­ted for your information.

Sty­li­stic revi­si­ons include impro­ve­ments for word repe­ti­ti­ons, mis­lea­ding phra­sing, sen­tence struc­tu­re, meanin­g­less fil­ler words and much more insuf­fi­ci­en­ci­es which ham­per the flow of the text rea­ding. Again, I work direct­ly in your text file so you can see and under­stand all the cor­rec­tions and sty­li­stic revi­si­ons done by the editorial.

In addi­ti­on to the pro­ofre­a­ding tasks such as eli­mi­na­ti­on of ortho­gra­phic, gram­ma­ti­cal and syn­tac­ti­cal errors, I review the fide­li­ty of the trans­la­ti­on to the source text, the adhe­rence to ter­mi­no­lo­gy wor­ding and the adapt­a­ti­on of the lin­gu­i­stic style. All of this is done, if pos­si­ble, wit­hout inter­fe­ring with your per­so­nal style.

Spel­ling and punc­tua­ti­on are not ever­y­thing that makes your text per­fect. Is a table of con­tents com­ple­te and do head­lines match? Do gra­phics, tables, and other style ele­ments fol­low the same pat­tern? Is the glos­sa­ry com­ple­te and sor­ted? For all the­se ques­ti­ons I can give you ans­wers in the con­text of a review.


The editing of PDF files is tech­ni­cal­ly not always useful. The capa­bi­li­ties of a PDF Edi­tor soft­ware are not iden­ti­cal to tho­se of a stan­dard word pro­ces­sing pro­gram. For exam­p­le, the abili­ty to edit PDF docu­ments for cus­to­mi­zing para­graphs or chan­ging lay­outs is limited.

The­r­e­fo­re exten­si­ve editing works in text docu­ments with word pro­ces­sing pro­grams such as Micro­soft Office or Open­Of­fice are much more fea­si­ble com­pared to tho­se of PDF docu­ments edi­ted with PDF Edi­tor software.


The file for­mats on the right side can be pro­ces­sed by us for orders or con­ver­ted by us into a sui­ta­ble for­mat we can work on. Plea­se cont­act us if you are using any other for­mat for your text:
Stan­dard text file with exten­si­on txt in uni­code cha­rac­ter set format.
Micro­soft file up to Office 2003 with exten­si­on doc, xls or ppt (Word, Excel or PowerPoint).
Ado­be Por­ta­ble Docu­ment For­mat (PDF) file with exten­si­on pdf.
Open­Of­fice file ending with odt, ods or odp (Wri­ter, Calc or Impress).
Micro­soft Office 2007 file with exten­si­on docx, xlsx or pptx (Word, Excel or PowerPoint).
Plea­se cont­act us if your text is stored in files using other file formats.


To cal­cu­la­te the cost of edi­to­ri­al tasks the word count of the text is used. This amount of words is deter­mi­ned using the soft­ware Ome­gaT and then mul­ti­pli­ed by the edi­to­ri­al word pri­ce of 0.08 Euro which gives as a result the pri­ce for the edi­to­ri­al of the text.

If a word count deter­mi­na­ti­on by Ome­gaT is not pos­si­ble the word count is cal­cu­la­ted by other soft­ware pro­grams or deter­mi­ned as an estimate.

Furu­­no-Schie­­le Trans­la­ti­ons © 2024  |  |  Imprint  |  Data pro­tec­tion