My ser­vices will open doors and con­tri­bu­te to the fact that you are taken serious­ly if you main­tain or seek busi­ness rela­ti­onships with Japa­ne­se companies.

In Japan

The cul­tu­ral dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween Euro­pe and Japan are signi­fi­cant. Do you have Japa­ne­se cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers or busi­ness part­ners? Are you facing a lon­ger stay abroad in Japan?

In exam­p­le you get a Japa­ne­se site plan as seen in the adja­cent figu­re (see figu­re Asakusa Kanon Sen­­so-ji Tem­pel map) and need expl­ana­ti­ons about how to deal with it?

In all the­se cases I can give you valuable sup­port in terms of indi­vi­du­al coun­seling, ans­we­ring ques­ti­ons about local cha­rac­te­ristics or explain infor­ma­ti­on for on-site mobility.

Alt­hough Japa­ne­se show some tole­rance in deal­ing with their cus­toms and man­ners a mini­mum of Japa­ne­se eti­quet­te should be taken into account. You recei­ve advice for text trans­la­ti­ons as well as on eti­quet­te, busi­ness eti­quet­te, busi­ness atti­re and pro­per beha­vi­or with cli­ents or busi­ness partners.

On your request I pro­cess all your japa­ne­se lan­guage cor­re­spon­dence, mana­ge your cont­acts and gain new cont­acts for you. This includes topics such as a writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with busi­ness cus­to­mers or any writ­ten doings of rou­ti­ne tasks such as order con­fir­ma­ti­on or cus­toms declarations.

You have other jobs to do rela­ted to the Ger­­man-Japa­­ne­­se lan­guage com­bi­na­ti­on? I per­form web sear­ches for you or take care on your behalf to com­mu­ni­ca­te with Japa­ne­se aut­ho­ri­ties. I sup­port you with hotel boo­kings, restau­rant reser­va­tions or mee­ting arran­ge­ments with busi­ness partners.


The fol­lo­wing are examp­les of important man­ners in Japan: A poli­te san is atta­ched at the end of the name. But one will never ever attach san at his own name.

Pat on the back, gree­ting kiss, even shaking hands are not com­mon. Only in rare situa­tions japa­ne­se offer hand­shaking. Cor­rect­ly is a slight bow with a straight back.

The one who is lower in hier­ar­chy, bows even deeper. The­r­e­fo­re older ones stand abo­ve youn­ger one, guests abo­ve hosts, men abo­ve women. In busi­ness most of the time only the sel­ler bows.

For non-Japa­­ne­­se having a medi­um bow is the best solu­ti­on. Never be late – but also not too ear­ly. To point to one per­son, one may just take the who­le hand and not the fingers.


When it comes to Japa­ne­se cui­sine, one often thinks of sushi — raw fish. Nevert­hel­ess it plays in ever­y­day coo­king a sub­or­di­na­te role. Rice is the stap­le food of every Japa­ne­se. Fur­ther­mo­re, a lot of vege­ta­bles and fish, but also meat or tofu (see Figu­re Ina­ri Sushi) eaten. Other basics are dashi (broth from fish, mush­rooms, etc.), shōyu (soy sau­ce), mirin (Kochsa­ke), sake (rice wine), miso (bean pas­te) u.v.m.

Even pas­ta is very com­mon — be it as a soup or as part of a menu, be it hot or cold. Typi­cal Japa­ne­se nood­les are udon (thick white wheat nood­les) that you can cook or roast, soups (thin ver­mic­el­li) and soba (thin white or brown buck­wheat noodles).


The cal­cu­la­ti­on of the cos­ts of our ser­vices pro­vi­ded to you are based on effort. In doing so, you will be bil­led for the work time I have pro­vi­ded to per­form your order.

Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about char­ging can be found under the menu item Order.


A cer­ti­fied trans­la­ti­on can only be made by a sworn translator.

I do not offer any inter­pre­ter ser­vices. Hence I can not accept any orders which requests the trans­fer of spo­ken text from a source lan­guage to a tar­get language.

Furu­­no-Schie­­le Trans­la­ti­ons © 2024  |  |  Imprint  |  Data pro­tec­tion