Com­pre­hen­si­ve texts are trans­la­ted using the Ome­gaT soft­ware — a com­­pu­­ter-aided trans­la­ti­on pro­gram for pro­fes­sio­nal translators.

CAT Software

Ome­gaT is a so-cal­­led CAT (Com­pu­ter Aided Trans­la­ti­on) soft­ware and stores trans­la­ti­ons in a TMS (Trans­la­ti­on Memo­ry Sys­tem). At the same time Ome­gaT uses TMS data from pro­jects of pre­vious trans­la­ti­ons. The use of Ome­gaT is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for lar­ge texts with a lar­ge num­ber of repe­ti­ti­ons and / or texts for which a pre­vious ver­si­on has alre­a­dy been translated.

Ome­gaT is NOT a auto­ma­tic com­pu­ter trans­la­ti­on pro­gram. Rather, the soft­ware stores trans­la­ti­ons used by the trans­la­tor and uses them to pro­vi­de the trans­la­tor with sug­ges­ti­ons for trans­la­ting new texts.


At the begin­ning of a trans­la­ti­on, the source text to be trans­la­ted (indi­vi­du­al files or com­ple­te direc­to­ry trees) is impor­ted into Ome­gaT. Ome­gaT then splits this source text into seg­ments (sen­ten­ces, hea­dings, bul­le­ted lists, etc.).

The­se seg­ments are then offe­red to the trans­la­tor for pro­ces­sing in pairs of source and tar­get lan­guages. Ome­gaT stores the trans­la­ti­on of source and tar­get text in its inter­nal TMS and appli­es this trans­la­ti­on to sub­se­quent iden­ti­cal seg­ments of the source code.


For the con­sis­ten­cy of trans­la­ti­ons the use of a ter­mi­no­lo­gy manage­ment is important. This ensu­res that the same trans­la­ti­on is used for iden­ti­cal terms in dif­fe­rent docu­ments. Ome­gaT uses glos­s­a­ries that con­tain trans­la­ti­ons of indi­vi­du­al terms or phrases.

An Ome­gaT glos­sa­ry is a bilin­gu­al dic­tion­a­ry for indi­vi­du­al terms or phra­ses of spe­ci­fic sub­ject are­as. While working with Ome­gaT, it con­stant­ly dis­plays ent­ries in the cur­rent glos­sa­ry for the words of a seg­ment being edi­ted by the translator.


Ome­gaT is ide­al for trans­la­ting recent ver­si­ons (updates) of docu­ments. On the one hand, the­re is the situa­ti­on that a sen­tence from an ear­lier ver­si­on is iden­ti­cal to a sen­tence from the text curr­ent­ly being trans­la­ted. This is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dis­play­ed to the trans­la­tor by Ome­gaT for review and can be used by the trans­la­tor to trans­la­te the cur­rent sentence.

On the other hand, the­re is the situa­ti­on whe­re a sen­tence from an ear­lier ver­si­on is PARTIALLY iden­ti­cal to a sen­tence from the text curr­ent­ly being trans­la­ted. This too is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dis­play­ed to the trans­la­tor for review. He can then deci­de if and if so which exis­ting trans­la­ti­on should be used for the trans­la­ti­on of the new sentence.

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